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  • XFUEL币介绍
XFUEL is the low tax trader token of BUSDX. The revenue that is generated through XFUEL will be used to FUEL the BUSDX Ecosystem. These funds will be used to buy the native BUSDX token to maintain the staking pool supply. This will result in an increase in the price of BUSDX, while also providing extra passive income to holders in BUSD. The XFUEL revenue will also be used to BURN a portion of the existing BUSDX supply. This deflationary process will make the BUSDX token more scarce over time. XFUEL can be staked in the XPAD, offering a generous APY to investors. The utilities of BUSDX include: XPAD, XPAY, XBRIDGE, XSWAP and XNFT.
XFUEL is the low tax trader token of BUSDX. The revenue that is generated through XFUEL will be used to FUEL the BUSDX Ecosystem. These funds will be used to buy the native BUSDX token to maintain the staking pool supply. This will result in an increase in the price of BUSDX, while also providing extra passive income to holders in BUSD. The XFUEL revenue will also be used to BURN a portion of the existing BUSDX supply. This deflationary process will make the BUSDX token more scarce over time. XFUEL can be staked in the XPAD, offering a generous APY to investors. The utilities of BUSDX include: XPAD, XPAY, XBRIDGE, XSWAP and XNFT.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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