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TrustNFT is a platform powered by AI and big data which accurately evaluates NFTs and unlocks their potential for use as loan collateral, which allows users to combine DeFi with NFTs to earn yield on selected NFT-backed loans. Our platform was designed to solve major problems in the NFT ecosystem, such as: low liquidity; investment risk; monetization of assets; and – most importantly – the problem of evaluating NFTs. There are already some platforms in the market offering NFT collateralized loans. But there is no reliable way or product to evaluate NFTs. Without accurate evaluation all solutions of using NFTs as collateral are pointless, this is why we focus all our resources and attention on solving this issue and we chose to empower Artificial intelligence and Big data to solve this problem. The result of our work is - NFTs Evaluation Machine MVP, you can try it out on trustnft.org. We started building our platform – an NFT Evaluation Machine – at the beginning of 2021. Our platform not only uses data sources from blockchain, but also learns to define trends in the NFT and cryptocurrency markets. Today, our MVP is functional, and it learns and improves every day. This is our main advantage, and the unique factor which differentiates us from other platforms that offer NFT-collateralized loans.
TrustNFT is a platform powered by AI and big data which accurately evaluates NFTs and unlocks their potential for use as loan collateral, which allows users to combine DeFi with NFTs to earn yield on selected NFT-backed loans. Our platform was designed to solve major problems in the NFT ecosystem, such as: low liquidity; investment risk; monetization of assets; and – most importantly – the problem of evaluating NFTs. There are already some platforms in the market offering NFT collateralized loans. But there is no reliable way or product to evaluate NFTs. Without accurate evaluation all solutions of using NFTs as collateral are pointless, this is why we focus all our resources and attention on solving this issue and we chose to empower Artificial intelligence and Big data to solve this problem. The result of our work is - NFTs Evaluation Machine MVP, you can try it out on trustnft.org. We started building our platform – an NFT Evaluation Machine – at the beginning of 2021. Our platform not only uses data sources from blockchain, but also learns to define trends in the NFT and cryptocurrency markets. Today, our MVP is functional, and it learns and improves every day. This is our main advantage, and the unique factor which differentiates us from other platforms that offer NFT-collateralized loans.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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