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$ 0.00000000000
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  • TCGCOIN币介绍
TCG Coin 2.0 is the foundation for two online economies bringing gaming and collectible trading and selling to the Binance chain. TCG Trading Platform is a marketplace for buyers and sellers of collectible gaming and sports cards including Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic The Gathering and more. TCG World is an online game metaverse where players can play to earn TCG Coin as well as hunt for NFT collectibles, invest in virtual real estate, build, explore, or start their own online businesses. For entertainment, TCG world will also host live collectible card game tournaments in the metaverse where both players and spectators will gather in the spectacular TCG World Stadium. Both economies run on TCG coin driving demand for the tokens across a wide array of both physical and virtual transactions. The trading platform will use smart contracts to protect buyers and sellers and hold their funds until the goods are received and verified. The platform will also offer sellers an electronic grading service or access to a grading partner that will act as a trusted middle-man to guarantee condition and authenticity of the collectibles. TCG Trading Platform and TCG World share not only the token, but will also integrate for the buying and selling of both real world collectibles as well as NFTs from the virtual world.
TCG Coin 2.0 is the foundation for two online economies bringing gaming and collectible trading and selling to the Binance chain. TCG Trading Platform is a marketplace for buyers and sellers of collectible gaming and sports cards including Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic The Gathering and more. TCG World is an online game metaverse where players can play to earn TCG Coin as well as hunt for NFT collectibles, invest in virtual real estate, build, explore, or start their own online businesses. For entertainment, TCG world will also host live collectible card game tournaments in the metaverse where both players and spectators will gather in the spectacular TCG World Stadium. Both economies run on TCG coin driving demand for the tokens across a wide array of both physical and virtual transactions. The trading platform will use smart contracts to protect buyers and sellers and hold their funds until the goods are received and verified. The platform will also offer sellers an electronic grading service or access to a grading partner that will act as a trusted middle-man to guarantee condition and authenticity of the collectibles. TCG Trading Platform and TCG World share not only the token, but will also integrate for the buying and selling of both real world collectibles as well as NFTs from the virtual world.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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