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$ 0.00031 +$0.08396
-5.86 %
3.4626 24H最高
3.1016 24H最低
3.5266 历史最高
0.36434978773897 历史最低
581596487.12 24H成交量
1963702379.1 24H成交额
100亿 总量
9308762714.0125 市值
11.64% 24H波幅
2845750695.5839 流通数量
3.4181 昨开
3.3209 昨收
28.46 % 流通率



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Sui is a layer-1 blockchain optimizing for low-latency blockchain transfers. Its focus on instant transaction finality and high-speed transaction throughput make Sui a suitable platform for on-chain use cases like games, finance, and other real-time applications. Sui’s smart contracts are written in Move, a Rust-based programming language that prioritizes fast and secure transaction executions. Sui’s “horizontal scaling” is achieved through a process called “transaction parallelization,” allowing “parallel agreement” across different, independent types of transactions. Thanks to the organization of data as independent objects, transactions that are independent of one another are validated by Sui nodes via byzantine fault-tolerant proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

Sui is a layer-1 blockchain optimizing for low-latency blockchain transfers. Its focus on instant transaction finality and high-speed transaction throughput make Sui a suitable platform for on-chain use cases like games, finance, and other real-time applications. Sui’s smart contracts are written in Move, a Rust-based programming language that prioritizes fast and secure transaction executions. Sui’s “horizontal scaling” is achieved through a process called “transaction parallelization,” allowing “parallel agreement” across different, independent types of transactions. Thanks to the organization of data as independent objects, transactions that are independent of one another are validated by Sui nodes via byzantine fault-tolerant proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

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2024-08-23 23:09



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