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SLGO【Solalgo】 NO.8202
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • SLGO币介绍
What is the project about? Solalgo is a Web3 iDIB (intelligent digital investment bank) that acquires businesses using crypto as the reward and funding element. What makes your project unique? Solalgo is a De-Fi project that uses its proprietary A.I. algorithmic business mining tool to search and 100% acquire companies to develop and add into its conglomerate which has already attained 6 businesses. The token is deflationary by driving up the price of its token ($SLGO) buy using the profits & dividends from these acquisitions. Solalgo will go into the market with FIAT from profits, buy tokens at the market rate and then burn them. Over the projected 3.5 years, the maximum burn of 70% will be achieved. At this point the conglomerate of businesses (projected to number 30+) will be listed onto a major stock exchange (London/NY) and all $SLGO token holders will be offered shares in the public listing at par, or stable coins at the market rate. History of your project. We were formed over 3 years ago where development of the AI business mining tool began. 2 years ago we began the seed round and creating the framework for the use of crypto within the fabric of the business. What’s next for your project? We have started to develop our own staking platform and an NFT market place connected to the the individual acquired businesses. By Q3 2023 we will be listed on 3 CEX's. What can your token be used for? In essence reward. It is used for the funding and repayment vehicle to businesses and holder alike. It has replaced the need for FIAT in an investment bank.
What is the project about? Solalgo is a Web3 iDIB (intelligent digital investment bank) that acquires businesses using crypto as the reward and funding element. What makes your project unique? Solalgo is a De-Fi project that uses its proprietary A.I. algorithmic business mining tool to search and 100% acquire companies to develop and add into its conglomerate which has already attained 6 businesses. The token is deflationary by driving up the price of its token ($SLGO) buy using the profits & dividends from these acquisitions. Solalgo will go into the market with FIAT from profits, buy tokens at the market rate and then burn them. Over the projected 3.5 years, the maximum burn of 70% will be achieved. At this point the conglomerate of businesses (projected to number 30+) will be listed onto a major stock exchange (London/NY) and all $SLGO token holders will be offered shares in the public listing at par, or stable coins at the market rate. History of your project. We were formed over 3 years ago where development of the AI business mining tool began. 2 years ago we began the seed round and creating the framework for the use of crypto within the fabric of the business. What’s next for your project? We have started to develop our own staking platform and an NFT market place connected to the the individual acquired businesses. By Q3 2023 we will be listed on 3 CEX's. What can your token be used for? In essence reward. It is used for the funding and repayment vehicle to businesses and holder alike. It has replaced the need for FIAT in an investment bank.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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