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SGMT【SuperStep】 NO.8193
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • SGMT币介绍
SuperStep is a move-to-earn project inspired by the success and imperfection of the existing projects such as Step’N. The project provides a move-to-earn apparatus where users walk and run to receive tokens ($SGMT, $SGST) which effectively promote physical fitness as well as the reduction of CO2 emission. Improved upon the existing projects, Superstep has one of the most rigid anti-inflation mechanisms that works like the one adopted by Bitcoin and other major cryptos. The team faithfully dedicates its full time and energy to doing good not only to its investors financially but to provide social benefit to our environment. SuperStep has over 30,000 members in the official telegram groups that spread across more than 30 nationalities. The project managed to gather a large group of workout enthusiasts with a resonating concept of “Run for health, Run for wealth”.
SuperStep is a move-to-earn project inspired by the success and imperfection of the existing projects such as Step’N. The project provides a move-to-earn apparatus where users walk and run to receive tokens ($SGMT, $SGST) which effectively promote physical fitness as well as the reduction of CO2 emission. Improved upon the existing projects, Superstep has one of the most rigid anti-inflation mechanisms that works like the one adopted by Bitcoin and other major cryptos. The team faithfully dedicates its full time and energy to doing good not only to its investors financially but to provide social benefit to our environment. SuperStep has over 30,000 members in the official telegram groups that spread across more than 30 nationalities. The project managed to gather a large group of workout enthusiasts with a resonating concept of “Run for health, Run for wealth”.
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比特币 怎么提现
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2024-08-23 23:09



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