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SCPT【Script】 NO.8157
$ 0.00282
-1.81 %



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  • SCPT币介绍
Script Network is a video based blockchain protocol, focused on decentralised storage, live programming and video NFTs at protocol level. One of Script Networks core products is Script TV - a free to air, 24/7 television platform, built on Script blockchain. Being a network built for scale within the TV and Film industry, Script Networks products include Script TV and Script Video NFTs, alongside multiple other dApps being built on chain. The core product - Script Television, features 30+ channels, with diverse production content from the world of film, sport, documentaries and more. Through Script Networks protocol, users can earn rewards on and off chain through simply watching tv, alongside taking part in the network by being a node. Script Network features a dual token, one as its core asset for the company alongside governance (SCPT) and the other for transactions on chain (SPAY) Genesis block will be mined in Q1 2022, with the initial token (SCPT), being launched on Ethereum blockchain at the end of the token sale process.
Script Network is a video based blockchain protocol, focused on decentralised storage, live programming and video NFTs at protocol level. One of Script Networks core products is Script TV - a free to air, 24/7 television platform, built on Script blockchain. Being a network built for scale within the TV and Film industry, Script Networks products include Script TV and Script Video NFTs, alongside multiple other dApps being built on chain. The core product - Script Television, features 30+ channels, with diverse production content from the world of film, sport, documentaries and more. Through Script Networks protocol, users can earn rewards on and off chain through simply watching tv, alongside taking part in the network by being a node. Script Network features a dual token, one as its core asset for the company alongside governance (SCPT) and the other for transactions on chain (SPAY) Genesis block will be mined in Q1 2022, with the initial token (SCPT), being launched on Ethereum blockchain at the end of the token sale process.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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