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RVST【Revest】 NO.5897
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • RVST币介绍
The Revest Protocol pioneers a revolutionary new use of NFTs as financial tools. Individual and project level users can deposit any ERC20 into our interactive FNFTs and set custom unlocking conditions (time, value, or contract based). This high level of composability fills many of the massive gaps in the crypto landscape ranging from something as simple as new KPI based token vesting for launching dev teams to truly game changing implications for derivative and borrowing/lending platforms. In the true nature of DeFi, Revest token holders receive stakers and liquidity providers will be receive 99% of fees generated by the protocol. Staking rewards increase non linearly with the length of the staking period. The remaining 1% is added the LP pool
The Revest Protocol pioneers a revolutionary new use of NFTs as financial tools. Individual and project level users can deposit any ERC20 into our interactive FNFTs and set custom unlocking conditions (time, value, or contract based). This high level of composability fills many of the massive gaps in the crypto landscape ranging from something as simple as new KPI based token vesting for launching dev teams to truly game changing implications for derivative and borrowing/lending platforms. In the true nature of DeFi, Revest token holders receive stakers and liquidity providers will be receive 99% of fees generated by the protocol. Staking rewards increase non linearly with the length of the staking period. The remaining 1% is added the LP pool
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2024-08-23 23:09



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