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REAL【RealLink】 NO.6800
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • REAL币介绍
RealLink is a crypto token designed for social networking optimization. In the future, it will be applied to metaverses and games as well.        1: RealLink is the only digital token in the world with both value and price references. The generation of each token corresponds to the real money spent by users on the social network compensating content creators’ time and material. Social networking platforms use tokens to pay content creators, they should be able to use platform revenue to buy back tokens at a price above a positive threshold.  2: RealLink is the world’s number one digital token based on active utilization, rather than large percentages of HODLers on Bitcoin and Doge network. Because social networks have a huge user base. Currently, BuzzCast App with tens of millions of users have already integrated. When users top-up, everyone can mine for free without using hardware resources, and content creators can transfer and withdraw their token revenues.    3: RealLink is the world’s first scalable project where both green mining and token to fiat trading can take place on the exchange. 
RealLink is a crypto token designed for social networking optimization. In the future, it will be applied to metaverses and games as well.        1: RealLink is the only digital token in the world with both value and price references. The generation of each token corresponds to the real money spent by users on the social network compensating content creators’ time and material. Social networking platforms use tokens to pay content creators, they should be able to use platform revenue to buy back tokens at a price above a positive threshold.  2: RealLink is the world’s number one digital token based on active utilization, rather than large percentages of HODLers on Bitcoin and Doge network. Because social networks have a huge user base. Currently, BuzzCast App with tens of millions of users have already integrated. When users top-up, everyone can mine for free without using hardware resources, and content creators can transfer and withdraw their token revenues.    3: RealLink is the world’s first scalable project where both green mining and token to fiat trading can take place on the exchange. 
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2024-08-23 23:09



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