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PIRI【Pirichain】 NO.9645
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • PIRI币介绍
Pirichain Smart Scenario System consists of address infrastructure, not token infrastructure like Ethereum's Smart Contracts. Thus, the addresses of smart scenarios are directly individuals or institutions. In the address-based system, it is not possible to engage in undesirable situations such as forgery/fraud. Smart scenarios, such as SQL language; It has the roles of querying the information in the block network, making transactions, running a trigger or sending data / assets to another smart scenario. Thus, in addition to being fully compatible with the Web 3.0 concept, it also provides an infrastructure to create an information ecosystem built on blockchain technology, which is very rare in the world.
Pirichain Smart Scenario System consists of address infrastructure, not token infrastructure like Ethereum's Smart Contracts. Thus, the addresses of smart scenarios are directly individuals or institutions. In the address-based system, it is not possible to engage in undesirable situations such as forgery/fraud. Smart scenarios, such as SQL language; It has the roles of querying the information in the block network, making transactions, running a trigger or sending data / assets to another smart scenario. Thus, in addition to being fully compatible with the Web 3.0 concept, it also provides an infrastructure to create an information ecosystem built on blockchain technology, which is very rare in the world.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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