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  • MINIBNB币介绍
Launched on August 14th by a global team, MiniBNB is a redistributive token with a tiered giveaway strategy. MiniBNB holders will be rewarded with redistributions in MiniBNB and have a chance to get BNB in a tiered giveaway. The concept of a Giveaway Wallet is used and includes collecting redistributions in BNB and giving them back to the holders. There will be 15 wallets chosen for a BNB giveaway every week where 5 wallets from each of 3 tiers will be selected. The tiers will be given BNB as follows: the top tier will be given 50% of the Giveaway Wallet, the second tier will be given 30% of the Giveaway Wallet, and the third tier will be given 20% of the Giveaway Wallet. The tiers will be based on MiniBNB token amount standing as seen on BSCscan where Tier 1 will include the top 100 wallets, Tier 2 will include wallets 101-1000, and Tier 3 will include wallets 1001 and beyond. In addition, MiniBNB holders will be given an opportunity to join the MiniBNB club that will offer them exclusive benefits.
Launched on August 14th by a global team, MiniBNB is a redistributive token with a tiered giveaway strategy. MiniBNB holders will be rewarded with redistributions in MiniBNB and have a chance to get BNB in a tiered giveaway. The concept of a Giveaway Wallet is used and includes collecting redistributions in BNB and giving them back to the holders. There will be 15 wallets chosen for a BNB giveaway every week where 5 wallets from each of 3 tiers will be selected. The tiers will be given BNB as follows: the top tier will be given 50% of the Giveaway Wallet, the second tier will be given 30% of the Giveaway Wallet, and the third tier will be given 20% of the Giveaway Wallet. The tiers will be based on MiniBNB token amount standing as seen on BSCscan where Tier 1 will include the top 100 wallets, Tier 2 will include wallets 101-1000, and Tier 3 will include wallets 1001 and beyond. In addition, MiniBNB holders will be given an opportunity to join the MiniBNB club that will offer them exclusive benefits.
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比特币 怎么提现
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2024-08-23 23:09



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