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MEG【MetaMic】 NO.6555
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • MEG币介绍
MetaMic E-Sports Game is a platform with MCAP $658,107 and LIQUIDITY POOL WORTH $393000 that allows us to earn by playing various games in harmony with virtual life. This project is a metaverse gaming project, major utilities of this gaming project are live, our game is fully decentralized blockchain based games. A play-to-earn crypto platform where users can enter and earn within the metaverse. Their utilities including farming, lucky spin, lucky draw, 3D death race, and a fighting game, with more to be added in the future.
MetaMic E-Sports Game is a platform with MCAP $658,107 and LIQUIDITY POOL WORTH $393000 that allows us to earn by playing various games in harmony with virtual life. This project is a metaverse gaming project, major utilities of this gaming project are live, our game is fully decentralized blockchain based games. A play-to-earn crypto platform where users can enter and earn within the metaverse. Their utilities including farming, lucky spin, lucky draw, 3D death race, and a fighting game, with more to be added in the future.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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