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MANC【Mancium】 NO.1624
$ 0.16980
+3.47 % %



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  • MANC币介绍
"The Mancium token is the utility token of Manc Games and represents our next-generation public blockchain solution. Mancium also powers the overall Manc Ecosystem, with its utility spreading from our market platform for in-app purchases, special in-game events, and to the ability to collect supplies for Manc Academy. In addition, Mancium will have unique uses and capabilities in the Meta versions of Manc Games. No more than 10,000,000 tokens will be circulating before June of 2022 and the rest will be allocated according to the demand and transaction amounts within Manc Games. The supply of Mancium will be limited and finite to protect their value."
"The Mancium token is the utility token of Manc Games and represents our next-generation public blockchain solution. Mancium also powers the overall Manc Ecosystem, with its utility spreading from our market platform for in-app purchases, special in-game events, and to the ability to collect supplies for Manc Academy. In addition, Mancium will have unique uses and capabilities in the Meta versions of Manc Games. No more than 10,000,000 tokens will be circulating before June of 2022 and the rest will be allocated according to the demand and transaction amounts within Manc Games. The supply of Mancium will be limited and finite to protect their value."
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2024-08-23 23:09



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