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KTX【KwikTrust】 NO.6206
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • KTX币介绍
"KTX is the native utility token that mints the SuperNFT and runs the KwikTrust Protocol and platform - a decentralised blockchain technology and e-validation platform. Meet the SuperNFT: The patent-pending SuperNFT raises the bar for security and usability in the NFT (non-fungible token) sector by introducing validated proof of ownership and locking it to proof of origination and provenance of assets, linking the owner’s identity to a cross-chain fully transferable and tradable digital asset. This allows NFTs to move beyond digital artworks, opening new asset classes, both physical and digital, to NFTs. It enables Web 3.0 token-based economy opportunities with the SuperNFT as a store of value for financial securities, insurance, intellectual property, digital assets in the metaverse, and proof of ownership of physical assets including property and other higher value assets. The limitation with 'old-style' NFTs is that they aren’t linked to the owner’s identity, and they can be easily lost or stolen. This dissuades people from storing higher value assets as NFTs, ultimately stifling exponential growth in the market. KwikTrust solves this problem with the introduction of the SuperNFT. KwikTrust already has hundreds of active user accounts and is growing rapidly, while being revenue-generating and actively operating with enterprises across several sectors, including insurance, property, media, gaming, legal and charity. With use cases across a wide array of sectors, the SuperNFT opens the doors to infinite NFT possibilities. "
"KTX is the native utility token that mints the SuperNFT and runs the KwikTrust Protocol and platform - a decentralised blockchain technology and e-validation platform. Meet the SuperNFT: The patent-pending SuperNFT raises the bar for security and usability in the NFT (non-fungible token) sector by introducing validated proof of ownership and locking it to proof of origination and provenance of assets, linking the owner’s identity to a cross-chain fully transferable and tradable digital asset. This allows NFTs to move beyond digital artworks, opening new asset classes, both physical and digital, to NFTs. It enables Web 3.0 token-based economy opportunities with the SuperNFT as a store of value for financial securities, insurance, intellectual property, digital assets in the metaverse, and proof of ownership of physical assets including property and other higher value assets. The limitation with 'old-style' NFTs is that they aren’t linked to the owner’s identity, and they can be easily lost or stolen. This dissuades people from storing higher value assets as NFTs, ultimately stifling exponential growth in the market. KwikTrust solves this problem with the introduction of the SuperNFT. KwikTrust already has hundreds of active user accounts and is growing rapidly, while being revenue-generating and actively operating with enterprises across several sectors, including insurance, property, media, gaming, legal and charity. With use cases across a wide array of sectors, the SuperNFT opens the doors to infinite NFT possibilities. "
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2024-08-23 23:09



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