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KENSHI【Kenshi】 NO.9833
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • KENSHI币介绍
"Kenshi is an investment token with reflections and per transaction burns. Kenshi shares the profits of its projects with the holders. Kenshi is a tech company interested in the blockchain technology and distributed systems, as well as a token on the binance smart chain. While the vast majority of tokens on the market rely merely on the market hype to derive their value, Kenshi does it by bringing actual projects into life. On the tech side, Kenshi engineers and implements multiple projects, mainly blockchain related such as exchanges and oracles. Kenshi markets these projects and shares a portion of the profits back to the holders of the Kenshi token. This brings value to the community, pushing the price of the token up. The Kenshi token gives everyone a convenient way of investing on Kenshi projects and getting a passive income in return. A small part of each transaction is invested on the Kenshi projects, returning back profits to all of the holders."
"Kenshi is an investment token with reflections and per transaction burns. Kenshi shares the profits of its projects with the holders. Kenshi is a tech company interested in the blockchain technology and distributed systems, as well as a token on the binance smart chain. While the vast majority of tokens on the market rely merely on the market hype to derive their value, Kenshi does it by bringing actual projects into life. On the tech side, Kenshi engineers and implements multiple projects, mainly blockchain related such as exchanges and oracles. Kenshi markets these projects and shares a portion of the profits back to the holders of the Kenshi token. This brings value to the community, pushing the price of the token up. The Kenshi token gives everyone a convenient way of investing on Kenshi projects and getting a passive income in return. A small part of each transaction is invested on the Kenshi projects, returning back profits to all of the holders."
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2024-08-23 23:09



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