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GEG【GeGem】 NO.10356
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • GEG币介绍
Gemstone Finance abbreviate as GeFi aims to build up an actual decentralise ecosystem, which constitutes of 2 tokens, GEG and GES that integrates within our ecosystem that includes yield farming, NFT marketplace, and blockchain-powered games. Apart from solving the authenticity of physical precious stones by fortifying certifications with blockchain technology, GeFi also provides a platform for users to trade, swap, stake, yield, and profit at the same time. GeFi’s protocol features dual token system, GeGem (GEG) and GeStone (GES) which integrates a vault with a NFT gamification equipped with an extensive NFT marketplace, StoneAge GeGem (GEG) is coded with battle-tested smart contract to power the GeFi finance vault and work as nodes for DAO voting mechanism. GeStone (GES) empower as the mode of transaction in our StoneAge NFT Marketplace and BlockChain-Powered games.
Gemstone Finance abbreviate as GeFi aims to build up an actual decentralise ecosystem, which constitutes of 2 tokens, GEG and GES that integrates within our ecosystem that includes yield farming, NFT marketplace, and blockchain-powered games. Apart from solving the authenticity of physical precious stones by fortifying certifications with blockchain technology, GeFi also provides a platform for users to trade, swap, stake, yield, and profit at the same time. GeFi’s protocol features dual token system, GeGem (GEG) and GeStone (GES) which integrates a vault with a NFT gamification equipped with an extensive NFT marketplace, StoneAge GeGem (GEG) is coded with battle-tested smart contract to power the GeFi finance vault and work as nodes for DAO voting mechanism. GeStone (GES) empower as the mode of transaction in our StoneAge NFT Marketplace and BlockChain-Powered games.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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