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FLZ【Fellaz】 NO.529
$ 1.38
+0.72 % %



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  • FLZ币介绍
Based in Singapore, Fellaz is a multi-chain web3 entertainment ecosystem that provides a comprehensive metaverse content production and distribution studio service, an NFT solution for web3 entertainment and content diversification, alongside a decentralized fandom community infrastructure, together with an alliance of leading experts and global partners in the respective fields. Fellaz, as a one-stop solution and ecosystem designed to help businesses, creators and fans transition to a longer-term web3 business model, effectively integrates the ideal features of the metaverse, decentralization, and NFT technology with original content, web3 diversification, and fandom in ways that actually work.
Based in Singapore, Fellaz is a multi-chain web3 entertainment ecosystem that provides a comprehensive metaverse content production and distribution studio service, an NFT solution for web3 entertainment and content diversification, alongside a decentralized fandom community infrastructure, together with an alliance of leading experts and global partners in the respective fields. Fellaz, as a one-stop solution and ecosystem designed to help businesses, creators and fans transition to a longer-term web3 business model, effectively integrates the ideal features of the metaverse, decentralization, and NFT technology with original content, web3 diversification, and fandom in ways that actually work.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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