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EFK【ReFork】 NO.16142
$ 0.00437
0 %



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  • EFK币介绍
EFK platform is the bridge connecting ecology and blockchain. We aim to build an ecosystem that brings out the best of the real and virtual worlds. While supporting non-governmental organizations and their projects to protect our planet, we will also bring gamification through our gaming app, and you will be able to place your digital assets in green areas in different metaverses. You can buy unique green NFTs through our marketplace, share them with friends, breed them, and use them in metaverses. At the same time, you are supporting noble causes and making our natural world a better place. One of our first NFT collections is unique kapok trees. You will be able to plant a 3D version of your tree in the metaverse while we will also plant real trees in nature. Future collections will also include animals, which we will again help outside of the metaverse. Join our community and help us create one world that makes sense.
EFK platform is the bridge connecting ecology and blockchain. We aim to build an ecosystem that brings out the best of the real and virtual worlds. While supporting non-governmental organizations and their projects to protect our planet, we will also bring gamification through our gaming app, and you will be able to place your digital assets in green areas in different metaverses. You can buy unique green NFTs through our marketplace, share them with friends, breed them, and use them in metaverses. At the same time, you are supporting noble causes and making our natural world a better place. One of our first NFT collections is unique kapok trees. You will be able to plant a 3D version of your tree in the metaverse while we will also plant real trees in nature. Future collections will also include animals, which we will again help outside of the metaverse. Join our community and help us create one world that makes sense.
比特币 怎么提现...
比特币 怎么提现
比特币 怎么提现:让你的比特币变成现金的全流程指南嘿,朋友们!今天咱们聊聊一个非常实用的话题——比特币怎么提现。如果你手上有些比特币,可能会想知道怎么把这些数字资产变成实际的现金。别担心,我会一步步教你如何安全、顺利地把比特币转换成你需要的现金。
2024-08-23 23:09



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