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DIPA【Doge】 NO.10308
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • DIPA币介绍
What is the project about? Doge CEO ($DOGECEO) is a community project with a goal to advance into every aspect and day to day living of people all over the world What makes your project unique? We have renounced ownership and 5% rewards to holders Doge CEO aims to solve this issue by enabling these groups to have access to a secure, SAFE and completely decentralized finance, aimed at giving the power for wealth back to where it belongs – In The Hands of The People. Through harnessing the complete potential of community, decentralization and the Power of Blockchain. History of your project. Our token is trading with MCAP $188,496 and Liquidity pool of $76k. We have pinksale liquidity locked https://www.pinksale.finance/pinklock/record/1076225?chain=BSC What’s next for your project? We have cex listing coming up post CMC and cgo. We have plans to have more the 10k users and then we onboard celebrities partnership What can your token be used for? Rewards on holding and NFT's of our memes. They can buy and sell NFT from our token.
What is the project about? Doge CEO ($DOGECEO) is a community project with a goal to advance into every aspect and day to day living of people all over the world What makes your project unique? We have renounced ownership and 5% rewards to holders Doge CEO aims to solve this issue by enabling these groups to have access to a secure, SAFE and completely decentralized finance, aimed at giving the power for wealth back to where it belongs – In The Hands of The People. Through harnessing the complete potential of community, decentralization and the Power of Blockchain. History of your project. Our token is trading with MCAP $188,496 and Liquidity pool of $76k. We have pinksale liquidity locked https://www.pinksale.finance/pinklock/record/1076225?chain=BSC What’s next for your project? We have cex listing coming up post CMC and cgo. We have plans to have more the 10k users and then we onboard celebrities partnership What can your token be used for? Rewards on holding and NFT's of our memes. They can buy and sell NFT from our token.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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