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  • DDDX币介绍
"The DDDX Protocol is a new decentralized exchange with dual AMM algorithm that supporting voting escrow tokenomics (veToken governance model). The protocol is implemented as a set of smart contracts, designed to maximum capital efficiency and incentivize fees instead of liquidity. DDDX protocol features low cost (0.01% fee for stable token exchanging), near 0 slippage for both uncorrelated or tightly correlated assets trading by using two different curve, and veToken governance model for liquidity providers and traders, thus establishes a new paradigm for liquidity incentives for other protocols: Hand over governance power to the community and let the community vote on the emission of tokens."
"The DDDX Protocol is a new decentralized exchange with dual AMM algorithm that supporting voting escrow tokenomics (veToken governance model). The protocol is implemented as a set of smart contracts, designed to maximum capital efficiency and incentivize fees instead of liquidity. DDDX protocol features low cost (0.01% fee for stable token exchanging), near 0 slippage for both uncorrelated or tightly correlated assets trading by using two different curve, and veToken governance model for liquidity providers and traders, thus establishes a new paradigm for liquidity incentives for other protocols: Hand over governance power to the community and let the community vote on the emission of tokens."
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比特币 怎么提现
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2024-08-23 23:09



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