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CZUSD【CZodiac】 NO.9625
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • CZUSD币介绍
The CZodiac Stabletoken (CZUSD) is a unique and secure algorithmic stablecoin with yield-bearing assets. CZUSD can be traded directly to its peg on any Decentralized Exchange (DEX) using CZodiac's own 'Scorch Peg' system. CZUSD can also be used for lending and subsidizing liquidity to new tokens and projects without sacrificing its backing assets. The combination of backing assets and automatic price pegging reduces the complexity of CZUSD compared to other protocols. Less complexity equates to less risk. With top-notch security at its core, CZUSD is exempt from bugs or exploits while safely allowing the addition of new features. CZodiac FairTribe Division is powered by CZUSD. They have sponsored liquidity for other tokens, including CZodiac's own Lucky Rabbit Token (LRT) which you can check out on Telegram or on cz.cash!
The CZodiac Stabletoken (CZUSD) is a unique and secure algorithmic stablecoin with yield-bearing assets. CZUSD can be traded directly to its peg on any Decentralized Exchange (DEX) using CZodiac's own 'Scorch Peg' system. CZUSD can also be used for lending and subsidizing liquidity to new tokens and projects without sacrificing its backing assets. The combination of backing assets and automatic price pegging reduces the complexity of CZUSD compared to other protocols. Less complexity equates to less risk. With top-notch security at its core, CZUSD is exempt from bugs or exploits while safely allowing the addition of new features. CZodiac FairTribe Division is powered by CZUSD. They have sponsored liquidity for other tokens, including CZodiac's own Lucky Rabbit Token (LRT) which you can check out on Telegram or on cz.cash!
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2024-08-23 23:09



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