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CREMAT【Cremation】 NO.7588
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • CREMAT币介绍
#What is [CREMAT] about. Cremation Coin is a crypto project aimed at burning the supplies of coins with excessively high supplies, such as LUNC and SHIB. #What makes [CREMAT] unique. Cremation Coin puts the power in the hands of the people. Aside from our crypto tokens, we will offer a variety of ways to burn. #History of [CREMAT]. Our goal is simply to help the LUNC community recover. #What’s next for [CREMAT]. The Cremation Coin team has a lot of exciting developments on the way including launching a token on the Ethereum network and launching our first NFT project #What can [CREMAT] be used for – Use case/Utility. Cremation Coin is a token with scheduled LUNC burns and an in progress platform for the implementation it as a form of payment #Who are the founders and team members of [CREMAT]. Matthew Fitzgerald (Cofounder) Tiffany Connatser (Cofounder) Aleksey (Web developer) Levi Rietveld/Levi Crypto (Formerly Crypto King)
#What is [CREMAT] about. Cremation Coin is a crypto project aimed at burning the supplies of coins with excessively high supplies, such as LUNC and SHIB. #What makes [CREMAT] unique. Cremation Coin puts the power in the hands of the people. Aside from our crypto tokens, we will offer a variety of ways to burn. #History of [CREMAT]. Our goal is simply to help the LUNC community recover. #What’s next for [CREMAT]. The Cremation Coin team has a lot of exciting developments on the way including launching a token on the Ethereum network and launching our first NFT project #What can [CREMAT] be used for – Use case/Utility. Cremation Coin is a token with scheduled LUNC burns and an in progress platform for the implementation it as a form of payment #Who are the founders and team members of [CREMAT]. Matthew Fitzgerald (Cofounder) Tiffany Connatser (Cofounder) Aleksey (Web developer) Levi Rietveld/Levi Crypto (Formerly Crypto King)
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2024-08-23 23:09



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