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CREDI【Credefi】 NO.11395
$ 0.00447
+5.5 % %



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  • CREDI币介绍
Credefi is the world's most advanced crypto peer 2 peer lending platform, that combines the best practices of DeFi and traditional finance. Our hybrid mechanism solves real life problems and inefficiencies of the conventional banking and financel sector, and provides unique opportunities for both borrowers and lenders. Credefi allows platform participants to invest in credit portfolios, individual credits, or do trade finance, directly through their personal wallet. Banking redefined.
Credefi is the world's most advanced crypto peer 2 peer lending platform, that combines the best practices of DeFi and traditional finance. Our hybrid mechanism solves real life problems and inefficiencies of the conventional banking and financel sector, and provides unique opportunities for both borrowers and lenders. Credefi allows platform participants to invest in credit portfolios, individual credits, or do trade finance, directly through their personal wallet. Banking redefined.
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比特币 怎么提现
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2024-08-23 23:09



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