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BR34P【BR34P】 NO.9848
$ 7.45
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  • BR34P币介绍
bR34P is the only deflationary token which sends rewards directly to holders and liquidity providers on BSC. bR34P token benefits every holder with a low-cost charge of 1% fee in every transaction on the blockchain, redistributes to every wallet holder automatically based on the amount of R34P token in their wallets and another 1% will be sent to 0x000 wallet that will automatically burn and reduce the circulation/ total supply. bR34P sends rewards directly to liquidity providers and holders with out the need to claim allowing the holder to constantly increase the % of the total supply they hold which in turn makes their rewards bigger, at the same time the total supply/circulating supply is being burned, creating a compounding effect which results in an exponential growth curve.
bR34P is the only deflationary token which sends rewards directly to holders and liquidity providers on BSC. bR34P token benefits every holder with a low-cost charge of 1% fee in every transaction on the blockchain, redistributes to every wallet holder automatically based on the amount of R34P token in their wallets and another 1% will be sent to 0x000 wallet that will automatically burn and reduce the circulation/ total supply. bR34P sends rewards directly to liquidity providers and holders with out the need to claim allowing the holder to constantly increase the % of the total supply they hold which in turn makes their rewards bigger, at the same time the total supply/circulating supply is being burned, creating a compounding effect which results in an exponential growth curve.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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