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BOULPIK【Boulpik】 NO.9658
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • BOULPIK币介绍
BOULPIK Token is a fundamentally backed utility token that decentralized educational trading, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship.  The mission is to develop a community and an ecosystem that creates a simple and efficient environment for successful entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and trading. Most of the services provided by Boulpik will be paid and settled in the native BOULPIK Tokens. The apparatus means that the bigger the company scale, the more subscriber the company has, and the bigger the demand for BOULPIK as the traded token. The following Utilities will be P2E, L2E, Wallet, and staking capabilities. Boulpik Token aims to create a comprehensive ecosystem that offers both education and entertainment to its holders
BOULPIK Token is a fundamentally backed utility token that decentralized educational trading, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship.  The mission is to develop a community and an ecosystem that creates a simple and efficient environment for successful entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and trading. Most of the services provided by Boulpik will be paid and settled in the native BOULPIK Tokens. The apparatus means that the bigger the company scale, the more subscriber the company has, and the bigger the demand for BOULPIK as the traded token. The following Utilities will be P2E, L2E, Wallet, and staking capabilities. Boulpik Token aims to create a comprehensive ecosystem that offers both education and entertainment to its holders
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2024-08-23 23:09



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