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BLAZEX【BlazeX】 NO.12063
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • BLAZEX币介绍
1. Our Bot is live t.me/BlazeXDeployerBot <- PRODUCT IS LIVE! CHECK. What is the project about? BlazeX is a bot available on Telegram that assists individuals in creating standard or customized contracts. This bot, known as @blazeXdeployerbot, manages every stage of the contract process, from inception to after the launch. What makes your project unique? BlazeX is a unique creation, offering numerous opportunities for developers to construct their projects. While it aids in the development of customized contracts, it also allows you to execute any functions via Telegram and transfer tokens to other wallets. Moreover, the bot includes marketing features. History of your project. We've successfully raised more than 230 BNB via PinkSale, and our launch was successful. Currently, we have 1400 holders, and we're seeing daily trading volumes exceeding a market cap of $1.3 million. Our community has grown to over 10,000 members, attracting a significant amount of attention. What’s next for your project? While our Telegram bot is already operational at t.me/BlazeXDeployerBot, we aren't stopping there. We're continually enhancing our bot with new features. Additionally, we're providing 40% of our revenue as shares to our holders. Future plans include marketing collaborations with partners, listing managers, and audit managers.
1. Our Bot is live t.me/BlazeXDeployerBot <- PRODUCT IS LIVE! CHECK. What is the project about? BlazeX is a bot available on Telegram that assists individuals in creating standard or customized contracts. This bot, known as @blazeXdeployerbot, manages every stage of the contract process, from inception to after the launch. What makes your project unique? BlazeX is a unique creation, offering numerous opportunities for developers to construct their projects. While it aids in the development of customized contracts, it also allows you to execute any functions via Telegram and transfer tokens to other wallets. Moreover, the bot includes marketing features. History of your project. We've successfully raised more than 230 BNB via PinkSale, and our launch was successful. Currently, we have 1400 holders, and we're seeing daily trading volumes exceeding a market cap of $1.3 million. Our community has grown to over 10,000 members, attracting a significant amount of attention. What’s next for your project? While our Telegram bot is already operational at t.me/BlazeXDeployerBot, we aren't stopping there. We're continually enhancing our bot with new features. Additionally, we're providing 40% of our revenue as shares to our holders. Future plans include marketing collaborations with partners, listing managers, and audit managers.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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