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ALFA【alfa.society】 NO.13365
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • ALFA币介绍
What is the project about? alfa.society is an innovative community-oriented project aimed at becoming a hub for knowledge, tools, and alpha that help users succeed in crypto. What makes your project unique? alfa.society has an innovative approach to navigating DeFi and crypto trading. Their ecosystem is designed to be as user-friendly as possible and streamlines crypto knowledge, tools, and alpha for the common trader, making markets easier to succeed in. History of your project. The alfa.society project was launched in November '22 and is led by a talented and forward-thinking team who were inspired to create a notable alpha community, which was driven by their passions to the balance the scales in the market and empower even the most novice user. What’s next for your project? The roadmap for alfa.society is ambitious, and building out the full ecosystem is top of their agenda, but growing the community and welcoming a wealth of new users remains an equally high priority. What can your token be used for? The $ALFA token is used for accessing the alfa.society ecosystem, and where members hold the token to obtain membership. There are many tiers within the society, with each level of membership having more perks the more you hold.
What is the project about? alfa.society is an innovative community-oriented project aimed at becoming a hub for knowledge, tools, and alpha that help users succeed in crypto. What makes your project unique? alfa.society has an innovative approach to navigating DeFi and crypto trading. Their ecosystem is designed to be as user-friendly as possible and streamlines crypto knowledge, tools, and alpha for the common trader, making markets easier to succeed in. History of your project. The alfa.society project was launched in November '22 and is led by a talented and forward-thinking team who were inspired to create a notable alpha community, which was driven by their passions to the balance the scales in the market and empower even the most novice user. What’s next for your project? The roadmap for alfa.society is ambitious, and building out the full ecosystem is top of their agenda, but growing the community and welcoming a wealth of new users remains an equally high priority. What can your token be used for? The $ALFA token is used for accessing the alfa.society ecosystem, and where members hold the token to obtain membership. There are many tiers within the society, with each level of membership having more perks the more you hold.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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