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AFR【Afreum】 NO.10308
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • AFR币介绍
Afreum is building an ecosystem of payments and DeFi apps for Africa, on the Stellar blockchain, powered by the ecosystem token AFR, the rewards and future governance token AFRX, and a suite of local African country tokens. Apps aleady launched include Afreum Wallet (a Stellar-compatible digital wallet), Afreum Save (interest-bearing savings and time deposits), Afreum Earn (liquidity pool swapping and staking), and Afreum Cash (a P2P Exchange). The goal of the Afreum project is to drive crypto adoption in Africa, providing financial inclusion for unbanked populations on the continent. We do this by building an ecosystem of financial apps, powered by the AFR token, and incentivising international actors to provide liquidity for the ecosystem. The end result is international crypto enthusiasts, and African users looking for financial solutions, coming together to solve problems in Africa.
Afreum is building an ecosystem of payments and DeFi apps for Africa, on the Stellar blockchain, powered by the ecosystem token AFR, the rewards and future governance token AFRX, and a suite of local African country tokens. Apps aleady launched include Afreum Wallet (a Stellar-compatible digital wallet), Afreum Save (interest-bearing savings and time deposits), Afreum Earn (liquidity pool swapping and staking), and Afreum Cash (a P2P Exchange). The goal of the Afreum project is to drive crypto adoption in Africa, providing financial inclusion for unbanked populations on the continent. We do this by building an ecosystem of financial apps, powered by the AFR token, and incentivising international actors to provide liquidity for the ecosystem. The end result is international crypto enthusiasts, and African users looking for financial solutions, coming together to solve problems in Africa.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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